Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

Good bye 2008 and hello 2009.

A year has passed and a new one has just begun. this the the time of resolutions, of new beginnings, well wishing and also wishful thinking. every year, we set noble (and sometimes impossible) goals for ourselves to try and achieve in the coming year. and as usual, if asked, mine will simply be to "quit smoking". everyone has heard that before and everyone knows that it never happens, save a few rare cases. we'll see how this year goes.

so to everyone in the world, happy new year. may this one be better than the last.


Mo said...

Lol! I've heard the quit smoking thing at least 3 times now. Haha!

Lya said...

fai.. you're tagged!

dammit now u'll start reading my blog >.<