Saturday, 6 September 2008


today is friday, 5th september. also the 5th day of ramadhan. so far its been an uneventful one. no missed days. typical nights.

this year is different when compared to previous ramadhan. first time that i am actually working. feeling is different. usually i just go to class and then go back and sleep. but this time i have to sit from 8:30am to 5:00pm. its been 5 days and so far so good. workload has not been bad and there isn't much pressure or urgency in things yet so i can say i am handling things well. no urges to smoke. that was the part that i was hoping i can cope with. but so far so good. its the end of the work week so i can safely say 1 down, 4 to go.


-[nana]- said...

no urges to smoke is awesome!
now if only u can keep it up for the rest of the day and night and forever and ever...:)

ive got some compelling statistics re: smoking k...:)

str4vag^ said...

at night however is a totally different story..

-[nana]- said...

teruk, teruk...
tsk, tsk...:)

str4vag^ said...

hehe..what to do la kan...i'm addicted..

-[nana]- said...

A.L.A.S.A.N.!!! :)

str4vag^ said...

thats not an alasan..addiction is a problem..

-[nana]- said... least u've figured out tht much...
so why not quit?

str4vag^ said...

its a problem alright..but like some ppl who enjoys doing math problem, i enjoy this problem :p

-[nana]- said...

yes, bt u see my dear, math problems are not proven killers..they dont give u cancer and other nasty things...:)

str4vag^ said...

thats is what you think!
math problems are the no 1 cause for brain tumor and also a lot of mental illness