Friday, 1 August 2008


dropkick murphys - surrender

I was at my weakest state
And you kept me pushing on
You gave me something to believe in
And it keeps me standing strong
These lessons that I've learned
These things I'll carry on
And when you're gone I'll honor you
Each day, however long

This glimmer of hope was never enough
To guide me through the darkness like a diamond
In the rough
I held out for and I received
A pain that never left with no reprieve
Like a toast at a table where resentments run free
There can't be any truth where there's no honesty

Like an apple from the tree
you were lock jawed in your ways
A reminder of myself in those long forgotten days
Thought you'd stayed off my path
But I just couldn't see that the blood that's in your veins
Is the same that runs through me

This glimmer of hope was never enough
To guide me through the darkness like a diamond
In the rough
I held out for and I received
A pain that never left with no reprieve
Like a toast at a table where resentments run free
There can't be any truth where there's no honesty

I had it all but lost my faith
And then you lead me to it
Today I'll carry on
I had it all but lost my faith
And now I've renewed it
These things I'll carry on

that song above have stuck a chord with me these past few days. really awesome song. really good meaning behind it. lots of people come up to mind when i listen to that song. people that have inspired me through out my life. so to all that have pushed me on, became my pillar, became my glimmer of hope. thank you.


these past few days have been really........don't really know hope to describe it, yet..........well, sort of like a roller coaster. high points, low point. feeling awkward, feeling comfortable, feeling lost, feeling secure etc etc. weird. really confusing and i can't pin point it to one thing yet or more yet. its just comes and goes as it pleases.

anyways, lets move on. have you ever felt that you need to say something to someone to make things better? even by one tiny bit? well, actually its not really a situation that you need to say, but you have to say something. i have always thought i had that ability to do just that. turns out that i only can do that when the situation is not really bad and when a little humor can make up for anything that was said or not said.

but when it really matters, it doesn't matter how many letters, words or sentences that come up to mind, its just never ever come out the way you want it to go or come out the way it needed to and it ends up making the conversation really awkward, which is really bad.


-[nana]- said...

words are indeed powerful...
words can build bridges and words can also sink ships...

bt at times, we dont need words...all we need is the human connection...juz being there, sitting with tht person, thts all it takes...and tht is in no way a bad thing...

str4vag^ said...


a z a l i a said...

i agree. sometimes talking is overrated. too much talking pn not good jugak. it would be so much better just being there, side by side with that someone, no talking. bt just by being there.

does that makes any sense?